International Sculpture Day

International Sculpture Day

Every year on the last Saturday in April, International Sculpture Day raises awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of sculpture. It’s also a day for sculptors around the world to showcase their artistic talents.

The sculpture is a type of visual arts that operates in three dimensions. The word sculpture comes from the Latin word sculpture, which means to carve. Sculptors use a variety of materials to create their sculptures. While many of the traditional materials include wood, stone, metal, and ceramics, other sculptors specialize in non-traditional materials. They use materials such as ice, toothpicks, and even LEGO. Sculptors also use materials, colors, texture, and size to evoke an emotion or response from the viewer. Their methods vary, too. Sculptors use one of four primary methods to make their sculptures. These methods include carving, molding, casting, and assembling.

Some of the most famous sculptures in the world include:

  • The Great Sphinx in Giza Egypt (the sculptor is unknown)
  • Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Paul Landowski
  • The Thinker in Paris, France by Auguste Rodin
  • Venus De Milo in Paris, France by Alexandros of Antioch
  • David in Florence, Italy by Michelangelo
  • The Statue of Liberty in New York City, NY by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi

Many of famous sculptures have stood the test of time. For instance, Venus De Milo is believed to have been created between 130 BCE and 100 BCE.

International Sculpture Day History

The International Sculpture Center created International Sculpture Day in 2015. During the inaugural event, 12 countries held 50 events. In just its 2nd year, over 20 countries hosted over 200 events. The day continues to grow each year.

International Sculpture Day

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