Love Your Red Hair Day

When I think back about my immediate reaction to that redhead girl, it seems to spring from an appreciation of natural beauty. I mean the heart pleasure you get from looking at speckled leaves or the palimpsested bark of plane trees in Provence. There was something richly appealing to her color combination, the ginger snaps floating in the milk-white skin, the golden highlights in the strawberry hair. it was like autumn, looking at her. It was like driving up north to see the colors.

Jeffrey Eugenides

It is the symbol of a fiery personality that is ruled by its passions, a strong-headed person who knows what they want and how to get it. They say the fire inside matches the fire of the hair, and to many red hair is the very definition of what it means to be Irish. Rumors have abounded throughout history to describe and define the redhead, but if you are one, Love Your Red Hair Day is the time to revel in your utter gingerness, and truly love your red hair.

History of Love Your Red Hair Day

Red hair has truly had its share of myths associated with it, but we’ll begin with a few of the most common. Red hair, while common to Ireland, is not native to Ireland. You can generally assure that if you’ve seen an Irish redhead, she’s got some Norwegian blood in her. Red hair, you see, was brought to Ireland by the pillaging and rapacious Vikings. As they moved in, they left the fire in their hearts in the blood of their wives and slaves, and soon, in the sons and daughters that came from their union. It seems only apt that the same fire that graced their manes should come out in the children, and the attitude to match.

Red hair has often not been seen in a positive light, there are jokes made about redheads not having a soul, one that comes directly from an old European myth that the red in their hair is from the stolen fires of hell. It has also been associated with true and drastic beauty, Cleopatra herself was said to be a redhead. Unsurprising that she was also a bit of a fierce woman, a manipulator, and ultimately ruled by her passions. What can we say, redheads seem to be of a type.

Love Your Red Hair day encourages you to remember the myths and histories of redheads, but also to revel in the strength and beauty that is often associated with it. Remember, when the world is at your feet, you’re a blonde, when it’s carrying you on a palanquin, you’re obviously a redhead.

How to celebrate Love Your Red Hair Day

Red hair does have some peculiarities to it, though it comes in as many types and styles as any other color. But to truly take advantage of the incredible, and sometimes persnickety color you are best supported by your hair dresser. Go out and take special care of your red hair on Love Your Red Hair Day, pick up an outfit that truly augments it and let your hairdresser do amazing things with it. Then go gather with other red heads and set the world on fire!


  1. Population red

    The Irish population is made up of ten percent redheads.

  2. Well red

    Lack of sunlight means redheads have a deliberate genetic adaptation to absorb more vitamin D.

  3. Saffron prince

    Prince Harry is one of the most famous redheads.

  4. Ginger Jamaicans

    Red hair can occur in any ethnicity.

  5. Recessive red

    Both parents must carry the redhead gene to produce a red-haired child.


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Love Your Red Hair Day

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