International Moment Of Laughter Day

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International Moment Of Laughter Day

April 14 every year is International Moment of Laughter Day, a day to remind people to laugh out loud every day. Originator Izzy Gesell says laughing out loud is as essential as breathing. He says, “Laughter comes right after breathing as just about the healthiest thing you can do. It relieves stress, instills optimism, raises self-confidence, defuses resistance to change, and enhances all your relationships.”If laughing isn’t your thing, try doing one of these:

  • chuckling
  • giggling
  • guffawing
  • snickering
  • cackling
  • chortling
  • cracking-up
  • crowing
  • sniggering
  • snorting
  • tittering
  • chortling
  • chuckling
  • giggling
  • guffawing
  • tethering
  • tittering
  • yucking


International Moment of Laughter Day was dreamed up in 1997 by author, professional speaker, and humor consultant, Izzy Gesell.

International Moment Of Laughter Day

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