Lighthouse Day

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A light that shines in the darkness to protect and alert. Sounds like something one would say about that friend or mentor who helps us in the hardest of times, but alas, this is not that reference. This is a reference to the silent, but bright, guardians of our coastlines and ships, the majestic lighthouse.


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Learn about Lighthouse Day

Lighthouses represent a piece of history. They have comforted travelers for centuries, guiding them and keeping them safe. They also add to some of the most scenic and majestic views. If you have ever visited a lighthouse before, you will know the stability and serenity they bring to the area. While time has progressed and technology has changed, lighthouses remind us of some of the difficult voyages people went on in the past. They provided hope to those looking for land while tackling the dark nights and stormy seas. So, it is only right that we celebrate them on Lighthouse Day.

Did you know that lighthouses provided a beacon of light even before we had electricity? It is remarkable to think that, isn’t it? Originally, fires or burning coal were used to create the source of light in a lighthouse. Of course, this changed as time went on. Lighthouses then made the switch to oil-burning lamps, after which electric lamps were used in 1875. Nevertheless, it is crazy to think that these structures were guiding ships home with light before we could power our own homes!

Lighthouse Day should be celebrated because they have stood the test of time. They have had to weather a lot of storms; both the literal type and the metaphorical. From high winds to extreme weather conditions; lighthouses are located in areas on cliffs and coasts that mean they need to take the very worst of the weather. Not only this but despite the fact that technology has progressed and the need for a lighthouse is not the same as it once was, these structures still stand tall, often acting as the focal point for coastal villages and areas.

Furthermore, you just can’t prevent excellence from a lighthouse, can you? They have around and hollow shape and an eye-getting red and white striped plan as a rule, albeit some are painted all white. They look wonderful among the encompassing straight or waterfront region, adding a lot of character and stories of the past to the area.



1.      Visit your local lighthouse

National Lighthouse Day calls for lighthouses, when possible, to be open to the public. If you’re within driving distance to the coast, today’s the day to make a trip to one of these beautiful structures.

2.      Help preserve a lighthouse

The American Lighthouse Organization is dedicated to preserving and protecting these historic structures. Consider donating a sum of money for lighthouse restoration as your civic duty.

Paint a lighthouse

Lighthouses are beautiful and they make for great artwork. If you have an artistic streak then why not paint or photograph a lighthouse.

Lighthouse Day

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