Make Your Bed Day

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Make Your Bed Day – not to be confused with ‘Aww, Mom, do I have to?’ Day, which runs for 365 days in the year – aims to make everyone aware of the benefits of making the bed every morning.

Apparently, it’s a great boon to mental health and having a tidy sleep environment, according to sleep researchers, makes for more restful sleep. Starting the day with at least one ‘chore’ already done and dusted creates a more positive attitude and can help you take the rest of the day’s challenges in your stride.

As the bed is the focal point of the bedroom, when it’s made, the whole room looks tidier, and becomes more relaxing and less stressful as a result. So, rather than leaping out of bed and into the fray leaving behind a tangled mass of procrastination, use Make Your Bed Day to start a new habit.


3400 B.C.
Sleep like an Egyptian

Egyptian pharaohs are the first known royalty to raise their sleeping surfaces off the ground.

1400s-1600s centuries

During the Renaissance, mattresses are made out of pea shucks, straw, or feathers, stuffed into coarse coverlets in exotic materials like velvets, brocades or silks.

1700s-1800s century
The fabric of our lives

Mattresses begin to be stuffed with cotton and later mattresses are covered with cotton pads.


Year Date Day
2021 September 11 Saturday
2022 September 11 Sunday
2023 September 11 Monday
2024 September 11 Wednesday
2025 September 11 Thursday

Make Your Bed Day

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