Ride the Wind Day

National Ride the Wind Day commemorates the anniversary of the first human-powered flight to win the Kremer prize. It was on August 23rd of 1977 the Gossamer Condor 2  flew the first figure-eight course specified by the Royal Aeronautical Society at Minter Field in Shafter, California. Slowly cruising at only 11 mph, it traveled a distance of 2,172 meters.

The Gossamer Condor 2 was built by Dr. Paul B MacCready and piloted by amateur cyclist and hang-glider pilot Bryan Allen.

The Gossamer Condor 2 aircraft is preserved at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

We all know that cooler air is right around the corner so take advantage of these nice days and get outside as much as possible. Test out those human-powered aircraft and make some history. Summer breezes allow us to fly human-powered. In the event you lack a human-powered aircraft, flying a kite is always a good back plan.

Learn about Ride The Wind Day

Ride the Wind Day is a fun day that all members of the family can take part in. Some ideas for celebrating this special day include kite flying, windsurfing, hang gliding, making and sailing boats, watching birds soar through the sky, or simply a picnic on a windy day, watching the wind in the trees. Children will love making paper airplanes or other flying toys and watching them zoom through the air.

The holiday itself is a play on the phrase “run like the wind” from the English language, which means to run very quickly. It is sometimes utilized in the context of running away from something or someone, for example, there is a song called Ride Like The Wind that was released in 1980 by Christopher Cross, who is an American singer and songwriter. In this, he recounts the story of an outlaw who flees Mexico in order to avoid punishment. We also see the phrase sometimes attributed to incidents whereby we do something without a purpose. Just in the way that the wind is able to change its direction at any time without warning, someone who is riding like the wind has the power to change their life’s course without any reason, rhyme, or warning either.

Ride like the wind is also sometimes used to refer to the act of doing things without purpose. Just like the wind can change direction at any time, someone riding like the wind can change the course of their lives without any warning and do things without any rhyme or reason.

History of Ride The Wind Day

Ride The Wind Day was created in order to commemorate the anniversary of the first flight that was powered by humans to be awarded the Kremer prize. It was on the 23rd of August in 1977 that the first-ever course in a figure-eight was flown by the Gossamer Condor 2. This had been set out by the Royal Aeronautical Society. This incident took place in California at the Minter Field in Shafter. The aircraft traveled a distance of 2,162 meters, slowly cruising at a speed of 11 mph.

Dr. Paul B MacCready assembled the Gossamer Condor 2. The pilot was a hang-lightweight plane pilot and novice cyclist, Bryan Allen. Today, you can discover this airplane at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, in case you are keen on seeing what it resembles.

Obviously, to comprehend this day somewhat better, we likewise need to comprehend the breeze better. The breeze is the progression of gases for a great scope. On the Earth’s surface, wind comprises of the mass development of air. In various games, wind figures noticeably, for example, windsurfing, cruising, paragliding, kite surfing, kite landboarding, snowkiting, kite flying, hot air expanding, and sporting hand coasting. In skimming, wind inclinations simply over the surface, affecting both the arrival and taking off periods of a trip for the lightweight flyer.

For an aerodynamic aircraft, which is going to be operating relative to the air, ground speed is impacted by the wind. Moreover, in the cases of vehicles that are lighter than air, the wind could play a solitary or significant role in their movement and ground track.

Ride the Wind Day

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