Talk Like A Pirate Day

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Talk Like A Pirate Day

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a parodic holiday founded in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers, of Albany, Oregon, U.S., who announced September 19 each year as the day when everybody on the planet should talk like a pirate.

Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
It’s “Talk Like A Pirate” Day!
When laptops are benches God gave us for wenches,
And a sail ain’t a low price to pay!

Talk Like A Pirate Day – Tom Smith

Yar harrr! Ahoy there ye lily-livered blaggards! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day, and that means it’s time for pillaging and imbibing of rum! Pirates have been all the rage in recent years, and out of that rage came an insane and completely piratical idea.

There ought to be a day that one dedicates to keeping the piratical language alive, and all the more important the piratical tradition.

Talk Like A Pirate Day


It was June 6, 1995, and there was a gathering of men playing racquetball. And all through they were yelling encouragement to each other. On this particular day, for reasons unbeknownst to them, they started yelling piratical slang at each other. From that point, it only sort of took on a unique kind of energy, and they realized before the finish of the game that they needed to establish a holiday to celebrate that encouraged the utilization of a fine vernacular. The principal thing they required was a date, and coincidentally the date chose was the birthday of his ex-wife.

For the following seven years they respected this holiday, in relative haziness, until they happened upon the email address of one Dave Barry, a syndicated editorialist and author of a great number of books. He also happened to be hilarious, like any great pirate ought to be. From that point it’s all set of experiences, Dave Barry advanced the holiday. It’s been one amazing year after another as individuals all over the nation celebrate this auspicious holiday.

Talk Like A Pirate Day

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