World Creativity and Innovation Day

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Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Scott Adams

Insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, over and over, while expecting different results. We’ve all heard this saying and often apply its wisdom to reasons to change negative life habits. However, this statement can also be applied to the creative process and scientific innovation. World Creativity and Innovation Day provide us an excuse to try to solve old problems in new ways with the potential of finding better and more effective ways to accomplish our goals! No more hum-drum day to day sameness! Instead, open your creative center and try to make the world a better place!

History of World Creativity and Innovation Day

In 1452 a man was born who would set the standard for what it meant to be a renaissance man, excelling in both the arts and sciences. Invention, Mathematics, Music, Geology, Astronomy, Cartography, just to name a few, anything he turned his mind or hand to he made great advances. He was seen as the utterly perfect example of a universal genius, and his logical approach to the world was truly advanced and unusual for his time. World Creativity and Innovation Day were established to encourage everyone to dig deep and find their own inner da, Vinci.

Creativity and innovation are beneficial in every walk of life, and every career. From those in customer service finding ways to improve their customer’s experience, scientists who’re every workday is filled with learning new things about the world and finding new ways to apply it, to politicians who could use their creativity to find new ways to solve problems and aid the public. World Creativity and Innovation Day encourage everyone to imagine a different world with different solutions.

World Creativity and Innovation Day

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