World Elephant Day

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Elephants bring back childhood fun memories in the zoo when we used to stubbornly insist on riding on their backs for a jumpy ride.  Elephant Day is celebrated on 12th August that help conserve and protect elephants from the numerous threats they face.

We admire elephants in part because they demonstrate what we consider the finest human traits, but the way we treat them puts on display the very worst of human behavior.

World Elephant Day is the perfect time to find out more about these amazing animals and what we can do to preserve and protect them so they do not go the way of the mammoth.

World Elephant Day was made in 2011 by two Canadian producers Patricia Sims and Thailand’s Elephant Reintroduction Foundation and was first celebrated on August 12, 2012. The drive was significantly upheld by film star and Star Trek legend William Shatner who portrayed the narrative Return to the Forest, an intriguing 30-minute film about the renewed introduction of hostage Asian elephants to nature.

The inspiration for the main World Elephant Day was to cause to notice the predicament of these great animals to populaces and societies from one side of the planet to the other. Because of their wonderful and smart nature, the world’s biggest land creatures are adored around the world. Be that as it may, sadly, these brilliant animals face numerous dangers to their endurance.

One significant issue is the ivory exchange. Right now, the interest for ivory is the greatest in China, with the cost of ivory regularly surpassing the cost of gold, something that makes elephants greater focuses than any time in recent memory. The financial aspects here work solidly against the unassuming elephant. Outrageous degrees of neediness in Africa implies that individuals can regularly make a month’s wages or more from the ivory of a solitary creature, selling it on the worldwide market.


  1. Their tusks are teeth

Elephant tusks are actually enlarged incisor teeth that first appear when elephants are around two years old.

  1. They eat a Lot

Elephants need up to 150 kg of food per day — that equals about 150 bags of chips!

  1. Endangered elephants

The Asian elephant is an endangered species with less than 40,000 remaining worldwide.




Year Date Day
2021 August 12 Thursday
2022 August 12 Friday
2023 August 12 Saturday
2024 August 12 Monday
2025 August 12 Tuesday

World Elephant Day

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