World Homeless Day

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World Homeless Day was born out of discussions between aid workers around the world, all of whom were helping the homeless in their own countries. The aim and slogan of the Day is ‘locals act locally on a global day’. The emphasis is on giving hands-on aid that is sensitive to local needs, while being aware of the global problem of homelessness and feeling solidarity with other charity workers around the world.

On this day, you can celebrate by helping to raise awareness for the homeless in your own community. Grassroots campaigns and fundraisers work at the local level, while taking advantage of the increased publicity and solidarity a global platform provides.

Use this Day as an opportunity to educate people about the homeless in your area, the infrastructure that already exists to help them and how it can be improved. World Homeless Day fundraisers and celebrations can be converted into gains which will help the homeless long after the Day is over.

How To Make a Difference

  • educate people about homeless issues
  • celebrate and support local good works
  • highlight local issues in the media
  • donate to local service providers
  • volunteer and provide hands on help
  • thank volunteers with certificates and awards
  • invite a guest speaker
  • host a fundraiser

World Homeless Day

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