World Teachers Day

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Almost everybody has a favorite teacher, someone who went above and beyond to encourage you because they could see your potential. On October 5, take time to celebrate World Teachers’ Day — a global event launched by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1994.

Just as Matilda had Ms. Honey, Harry had Dumbledore, and Cady had Ms. Norbury, maybe you’re a teacher working hard to help young people learn and grow.  Considering that teachers mold future generations, taking one day every year to say “thank you” is the least we can do. No matter where you are in the world today, remember that teachers matter!


This holiday marks the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. It sets standards regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers for their initial preparation, further education, recruitment, employment, and learning conditions.

UNESCO’s 2020 message: “With the theme: ‘Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession,’ we recognize the critical importance of reaffirming the value of the teaching mission. We call upon governments to make teaching a profession of first choice for young people. Above all, we celebrate the work of dedicated teachers around the world who continue to strive every day to ensure that ‘inclusive and equitable quality education’ and the promotion of ‘lifelong learning opportunities for all’ become a reality in every corner of the globe.”

The official event will take place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on October 7 .


  1. Confucius was the First Teacher

    Historically, Confucius is considered to be the first private teacher in history.

  2. Education for all

    According to UNESCO, the world needs 69 million teachers in order to achieve the goal of providing universal primary and secondary education by 2030.

  3. The number of African educators are dwindling on the continent

    Sub-Saharan Africa is the area facing the greatest deficit of teachers.

  4. Teaching standards are plummeting

    According to UNESCO, less than 75% of teachers in one-third of the world’s countries only meet the minimum teacher training standards.

  5. Learning proficiency is down

    6 out of 10 children worldwide—a total of 617 million—do not meet the minimum requirements for competency in mathematics and reading.


Year Date Day
2021 October 5 Tuesday
2022 October 5 Wednesday
2023 October 5 Thursday
2024 October 5 Saturday
2025 October 5 Sunday

World Teachers Day

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