Rollercoaster Day

Each year on August 16th, people flock to amusement parks for a thrill, a few exciting screams, and to celebrate National Roller Coaster Day. What is life if not for the fun of a freefall rollercoaster ride? We don’t need to pretend to be adult and serious on this imprudent day.

The day commemorates the first verticle loop roller coaster which was patented by Edwin Prescott on this day in 1898. A roller coaster consists of one or multiple cars on a track. While they are similar to railroad systems in design, the inclines and vertical loops incorporated in the structures aren’t for transportation. These elements boost the thrills rollercoaster enthusiasts seek!

The oldest roller coasters are believed to have originated from the so-called “Russian Mountains.” Built in the 17th century, these specially constructed hills of ice located near Saint Petersburg, Russia rose between 70 and 80 feet in height. Passengers faced 50-degree drops. Wooden supports supplied reinforcement.

Roller coaster designs have existed since at least 1872 when J.G. Taylor received one of the earliest patents. He called his creation an inclined railway. Another patent granted for an inclined-plane railway was granted to Richard Knudsen in 1878.

Have the courage to take this iconic ride on Rollercoaster Day that is present in every theme park in the city. They employ some sort of railroad track, which is elevated and designed with inversions, steep slopes, and tight turns. People ride along the track in open cars, enjoying a thrilling experience.

Fun facts about rollercoasters

There are some great facts about the rollercoasters of today and the past. For example, in Pennsylvania, there is a wooden rollercoaster that was built in 1902 and it is still in operation today. It is called Leap-The-Dips and you can find it at Altoona. It does not have headrests, lap bars, or seatbelts, but don’t worry, as it only goes ten miles per hour.

Have you ever wondered why some people love rollercoasters and other people hate them? Well, it could be to do with the chemical makeup of your brain. From the spirals to the drops, dips, speed, turns, hills, and loops; there is no denying that rollercoasters are thrilling! However, those with higher levels of dopamine tend to prefer sensation-seeking activities. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is linked to reward-motivated behavior.

Assuming you need to go on the world’s longest rollercoaster, you will have to go on an outing to Japan. Here, you will discover Nagashima Spa Land, and the longest rollercoaster here is the Steel Dragon 2000. At the point when it opened, it was the longest, tallest, and fastest rollercoaster on the planet. This was back in 2000. From that point forward, it has two or three of its crowns taken, yet it is as yet the world’s longest rollercoaster. Today, the quickest rollercoaster on the planet can be found in Abu Dhabi at Ferrari World. It’s called Formula Rossa. The tallest rollercoaster on the planet today is in Jackson, New Jersey. It is called Kingda Ka and it is found at Six Flags Great Adventure.

The eventual fate of rollercoasters positively looks invigorating also, as it guarantees thrill ride water slide mashups, just as vehicles that turn. Entertainment mecca innovations are being protected constantly, and this can assist you with getting a decent comprehension of what lies ahead in the realm of rollercoasters.


  1. This one has the deepest drop

    Travel to Canada’s Vaughn, Ontario, to experience the Yukon Striker with riders dangling during a three-second (!) hold at the very top of the ride over a 90-degree drop, then swooshing down 245 feet into a tunnel below ground.

  2. It’s called Steel Vengeance for a reason

    Head to Cedar Point Park to ride in Steel Vengeance, a super hybrid roller coaster, said to be one of the fastest in the world, clocking 74 mph while traveling along 5,740 feet of track.

  3. New Jersey’s home to one of the world’s tallest coasters

    The Kingda Ka roller coaster, extending upward with the equivalent of about 45 stories or 456 feet in the air, delivers eye-popping thrills at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey.

  4. This one faces backward

    It’s called the Superman: Escape from Krypton roller coaster and features a 100 mph launch up 415 feet while backward. You can ride it, if you dare, at Six Flags Magic Mountain just north of Los Angeles.

  5. It is aptly named

    The Intimidator at Virginia’s Kings Dominion will turn your hair white with its 85-degree first drop straight down.


Year Date Day
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2022 August 16 Tuesday
2023 August 16 Wednesday
2024 August 16 Friday
2025 August 16 Saturday

Rollercoaster Day

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