Tooth Fairy Day

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At one time or another, all of us have been visited by the tooth fairy. So, it should come as no surprise that somewhere along the line, Tooth Fairy Day was born. The tooth fairy herself (or himself; as the verdict is still out on whether this spirit is male or female) has been around since at least the Middle Ages although the exact origins are still unknown. In fact, the fairy may have just been a means to calm a child that was undergoing the strange experience of losing a tooth (after all, we have all been there).

Still, Tooth Fairy day is a date that is designed to pay homage to this generous spirit that is known to leave treats or coins underneath our pillow. Interestingly enough, the exact date of celebration is under conjecture; some claiming it falls in February while others state that it is held in August. This actually makes a bit of sense, for we have yet to find a way to leave a coin or a snack for the fairy, as we are not even sure if she (or he) has a pillow!


A Tooth Fairy Is born

The earliest reference to the Tooth Fairy appears in a “Chicago Daily Tribune” Household Hints column.

The Tooth Fairy takes the stage

Watkins Arnold’s 1927 play for children, “The Tooth Fairy,” debuts.

The Tooth Fairy delivers on the silver screen

“The Tooth Fairy” movie debuts starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the titular character (which seems like very weird casting…)


  1. Excitement in children

    Children love the excitement of waking up to a gift from a fairy in exchange for a lost tooth. It’s a fun myth for parents as well as children. Participating in the fun and watching the pure joy little kids exude is wonderful. The fun for both parents and children is akin to waiting for Santa Claus at Christmas and we all love it!

  2. The fun of folklore

    Everybody loves a good story, especially if it’s sprinkled with fairies and fairy dust. For centuries, fairy stories have enthralled both children and adults around the world.

  3. It makes losing a tooth less painful

    Losing a tooth is scary when you’re a little kid, but when you know it means waking up to some money or a small gift, it’s worth the pain. The idea of the Tooth Fairy helps kids cope with what could otherwise be a scary experience for them and a difficult one for parents. Thanks, Tooth Fairy, we owe ya’ one!


Year Date Day
2021 August 22 Sunday
2022 August 22 Monday
2023 August 22 Tuesday
2024 August 22 Thursday
2025 August 22 Friday

Ever wondered how many teeth the Tooth Fairy collects in just one evening? Take a guess! It’s estimated that she collects about 300,000 teeth every single night. That’s a ton of teeth.

Tooth Fairy Day

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