
National Harvey Wallbanger Day

National Harvey Wallbanger Day on November 8th recognizes a fruity and spirited cocktail made with 3 parts vodka, 1 part Galliano and 6 parts orange juice. Pour it into a highball glass and garnish it with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry. In 1968 at a chili tasting in San Diego, Harvey Wallbangers were

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National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day

On November 7th, National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day educates and creates awareness about canine lymphoma. Well-known and respected dog agility trainer and competitor, Terry Simons, was devastated when his “heart and soul” dog was diagnosed with Lymphoma in 2011.  As an educated dog owner, Terry did all he could for Reveille. However, he soon discovered

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National Nachos Day

Sometimes they’re hot and spicy. Sometimes they’re cheesy. Sometimes they make a mess everywhere. But one thing is certain: they’re delicious, and a favorite in many parts of the world. Yes, we’re talking about nachos. What food deserves its own holiday more than nachos? From the kitchens of Texas to the Rose Bowl Stadium, nachos

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Saxophone Day

Ahhh, the Saxophone. That sultry wail on a mist-ridden street, the seductive tones of Kenny G, and the rich warm sound of a jazzy riff. These sounds truly capture the heart and imagination of their listeners, and have since the instrument first came on the scene. From professional musicians like the jazz legend Johnny Hodges, to Bill Clinton, the

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Love Your Red Hair Day

When I think back about my immediate reaction to that redhead girl, it seems to spring from an appreciation of natural beauty. I mean the heart pleasure you get from looking at speckled leaves or the palimpsested bark of plane trees in Provence. There was something richly appealing to her color combination, the ginger snaps

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Wobbly Wednesday

Nystagmus is characterised by involuntary movement of the eyes, symptomatic of problems with the visual pathway.  It causes varying degrees of sight impairment. Nystagmus is often a genetic condition and may be associated with albinism, but can also be caused by a number of medical conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma or aniridia. Wobbly Wednesday is

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Sandwich Day

The argument that all Jews have a heartfelt investment in the state of Israel is untrue. Some have a heartfelt investment in corned beef sandwiches. Judith Butler Never underestimate the power of a good sandwich, there’s something special about the best of the worlds toppings slipped between two slices of bread. Mayonnaise as a sandwich

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Deviled Egg Day

Never mind sunny side up, hard-boiled or fried – egg aficionados will know that the humble egg can become a taste sensation with the little preparation that you need to rustle up deviled eggs. Far from demonic, deviled eggs are a tasty treat often found at buffets, parties and often served as a starter at

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Dynamic Harmlessness Day

So you see that ahimsa has two sides to it, one negative and one positive, to be understood and practiced together, in balance. This can help us determine what we should not do and what we should. H. Jay Dinshah Dynamic Harmlessness Day is a holiday dedicated to the life of Jay Dinshah, the founder of the

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Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and elsewhere associated with the Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pray for and to remember friends and family members who have died. It is commonly portrayed as a day

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Vinegar Day

You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar… unless it’s balsamic vinegar. Anonymous So there are two types of vinegar that most people think of when they think of vinegar, and most of it is crystal clear and comes in a plastic jug labeled “white vinegar.” The other kind is the thick, almost syrup-like

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Checklist Day

If you are living in the modern world, making use of a checklist is a powerful habit to embrace. So, Checklist Day is a great way to remind yourself how important these self-made reminders truly are. Interestingly enough, it is said that this day harkens back to some rather dark roots. During the 1930s, early

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Animation Day

Animation is everywhere these days, and most of us have been raised on it. Starting with our Saturday Morning Cartoons that we enjoyed with our sugary bowl of cereal, straight through to our favorite video games and movies of today, our view of the world has often been shaped by this amazing art form. History

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International Internet Day

The Internet is everywhere these days, being accessed on phones and tablets, tied into our cameras and our TV’s. Wi-Fi is accessible from everywhere these days, from city buses to your neighborhood McDonald’s, and the world grows smaller every day as a result. Internet Day is a celebration of this culmination of computing and communication

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National Cat Day

Felis Silvestrus Catus, a small furry ball of cute that will utterly destroy your ability to act like a mature adult, a phenomenon which has been shown to become stronger with proximity. Intelligence of subject seems to be inversely proportional to the distance between it and the nearest member of this species. Cats people, you

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Plush Animal Lover’s Day

Plush Animal Lovers Day is a day of celebration that is held every year to show your favourite stuffed toy some extra special love and appreciation. There’s an urban legend that says that the Teddy Bear, one of the worlds most popular plush animal pets, was invented when American President Theodore Roosevelt saw a baby bear

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National Internal Medicine Day

National Internal Medicine Day recognizes the contributions of more than 300,000 internal medicine physicians on October 28th annually. Internal medicine physicians (internists) are specialists. They apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, they provide compassionate care to adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness. Some internists take additional

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National Black Cat Day

Because of superstitious beliefs in some cultures, black cats are sometimes associated with bad luck and, sadly, are more likely to be put to sleep or wait a long time to be adopted from shelters. Black Cat Day was launched to show people that a black cat could be the perfect cat for them, and

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Navy Day

Navy Day is the original day to celebrate the U.S. Navy, and though this celebration officially was replaced by Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday in May for the U.S.) in 1949, the celebrations of Navy Day continue on, especially within the Navy itself. Additionally, research undertaken in the 1970s showed the ‘true’ birthday of the US Navy to

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National Mule Day

One of the more curious days in the calendar is the annual National Mule Day. Mules may not be quite as common anymore as what they once were, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate them any less. That’s why this day is still celebrated! Want to learn all about this brilliant annual day?

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National Financial Crime Fighter Day

On October 26, National Financial Crime Fighter Day recognizes the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) professionals. Because not all superheroes wear capes. Sometimes, they wear business suits, dresses, or jeans and serve in the back offices of financial institutions. These are the people who protect the United States financial industry. They include

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Greasy Food Day

Greasy food might not be good for your body, but it does wonders for the soul. A healthy diet may prolong your life, but what would you have to live for? What is the point of living to a hundred if you have to subsist on bland food? One may as well die of boredom.

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International Artists Day

Art has been an important part of the human experience for time out of mind, the first records of the world are not written in books, but are captured in paintings, sculptures, and music that helps to paint a picture of world lost to the past. Whether it’s revealing a style of dress worn in

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Accounting Day

While accounting may seem like a boring profession, it’s vital to every business out there. Without accountants, people won’t get paid promptly nor be able to understand their debits and credits. Even with an accountant, these can still be hard to understand. Accounting is work that isn’t something many people enjoy. Accountants enjoy the prospects

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United Nations Day

The United Nations, as an organization, is well known to just about everyone around the world. They participate in activities ranging from assistance in times of disaster, both those coming from natural disasters and those caused by the wages of war. They offer medical assistance to those in need in these places, as well as

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iPod Day

The year is 2001, the portable electronics industry is booming, and the CD player is the hottest personal musical device around. Little did they know that the music world was about to be rocked to its core by a quiet computer company that’s set on changing everything. Enter the iPod, a compact and durable device

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International Snow Leopard Day

Snow Leopards are captivating and powerful animals. However, they are also vulnerable to loss of prey and poaching. These animals are distributed sparsely across 12 different countries in Central Asia. They tend to be found in rugged, high mountain landscapes, at elevations between 3,000 and 4,500m. The key to protecting this species is raising awareness.

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National Make A Dog’s Day

National Make A Dog’s Day on October 22nd provides an opportunity to give all dogs the best day of their lives. The day not only encourages visits to shelters, but it is also a reminder to animal lovers everywhere to adopt instead of shop for a new pet. Approximately 3.3 million dogs enter shelters in

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International Caps Lock Day

We’ve all seen it, that one moron who doesn’t seem to know how to turn off the Caps Lock button, or worse, people who deliberately do it somehow feeling it gets their point across better. In one particular case, there was even a person who felt that Caps Lock made their RESUME look more professional.

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International Stuttering Awareness Day

People make jokes about everything—about blondes, about citizens of every country in the world, about men, women and children and teenagers, about cultures, history and religion, about various human conditions or mindsets…some of them are genuinely funny, and some of them are downright cruel and offensive. In particular, jokes about disabilities can be very mean-spirited

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